
Monday, February 27, 2012

Goat's Milk

Not Just for drinking ...

That will promote health drink ....

Available in the market near you........

Goat milk digestible.
Goat milk protein and fat molecules are very fine, soft, and easily digestible than cow's milk. It is very good for your baby's diet as well as adults who have digestive problems. Because of the fine particle and its detoxifying acids, it is very suitable to be used for ulcer treatment and gastric.

Lactose allergy.
Properties of goat milk is easy to digest lactose in the intestine to allow easy natural Goat milk has 7% less lactose than cow's milk. It is very good for children with diarrhea and allergy to cow's milk and powdered milk.

Goat Milk Fatty Acid Containing Good.  
Goat's milk contains good fatty acids (capric and caprylic acid) that prevent the effects of fungal infection. This acid also helps the immune system and increase manpower.

Nature Goat Milk Alkali.  
It has an alkaline pH. So it does not generate acid in the blood or intestines. It works by neutralizing acid in the body. Excessive acid content in the body lead to disease headache, body aches and muscle, weight loss, body sugar imbalance, fatigue and high blood pressure.

Not Goat's Milk Mucus Forming.  
Goat's milk does not constitute lenders as cow's milk and no cause allergies to humans.

Goat's Milk Rich in Minerals Selenium.  
Selenium-rich mineral content in goat's milk acts as a material to help the immune system of human cells and anti-oxidants. Apart from that it is against the virus naturally and prevent it from reproducing.

Rich Goat's Milk Sodium Bio organic Materials.  
Goat milk found to contain high sodium content of Bio organic. Sodium Bio organic naturopathic treatment as known in anti-aging elements. Sodium was found to reduce the problem of Bio organic Rheumatoid Arthritis (joint inflammation).

Goat milk - Miracle For Health Benefits.
Goat milk is naturally prevent breeding of harmful organism, viewed in the human body thus making us healthy. Potassium and calcium content is higher in goat's milk and low sodium content viewed in goat milk is very important to establish normal blood pressure and control normal liver function. Goat's milk contains energy and riboflavin to treat symptoms of asthma, eczema, colic, insomnia and yellow fever. Fluorine silicon content and high in goat's milk can prevent diabetes (diabetes mellitus). Goat milk also contains anti-cancer factor.


Sureeman Deraman 18 years originated from Thailand have been infected with the skin disease psoriasis is the scientific name for 6 months. At first he felt heat on the body and then the situation worsens when the rash began to rise and cause his skins cracking and peeling in the treatment body as he had to commute for a week to the hospital and get an injection, but the disease still be re-. After 6 months of the illness that he was introduced to goat's milk by a Leader. He try HIGOATS. HIGOATS milk and its effect began to appear only within 3 days when the shells began to fall and dry within 2 weeks of the wounds on his body began to heal little by little. Within a month of use HIGOATS milk, skin problems he healed fully.How use goat's milk is practiced by his practice HIGOATS drink milk every morning and night. He also adopted the practice of goat's milk mixed with water and applied to the body after bath .

I Md Bin Mohd Yassin, 58, suffering from diabetes for 20 years, so that one toe was amputated. After using goat's milk HIGOATS, wound on the second day appeared the difference. Next, until on the seventh day which has seen a huge difference. Besides drinking, I use milk powder as a treatment Higoat externally. Every day after cleansing the wounds, I sprinkle with powdered HIGOATS. The effect on the twelfth day, the wound on the skin and gradually narrowed in the second week next week in the third effect has fully recovered. I do not use other treatments to ensure the effectiveness of these HR products. With the grace of God, then this is the proof.

Mrs. Istalista Binti Mohd Noor, 51, from Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, retailers and the mother of 5 children. Suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure since 19 years ago and the doctor confirmed the bone cancer in the neck five years later. For years various efforts made ​​by both traditional hospital treatment but did not give the desired effect because the disease has attacked not count the time and place daily until cripple the entire movement. Mrs. Istalista effect was loss of voice, hearing, blurred vision and bleeding from the nose and mouth. DD Jusri Jamaluddin Muhammad was sympathetic to the plight, HIGOATS recommend taking the product as an alternative health nutrition. Mrs. Istalita not quite convinced of the effectiveness of these products at first. October 2009 he began taking products and Spyhru Higoat. Taking HIGOATS taken three times a day and coffee Spyhru 2 times a day. After 14 days of recruitment, showing positive signs of a clear vision, clear hearing, the bleeding stopped, the body becomes active movements such as age early 30's and can perform daily activities such as shop and manage the family. Now he is very confident in the HIGOATS and continued drinking it as well as introducing to the relatives, friends and her own husband. Range given second life, he is grateful able to lead a life with cheerful while still undergoing periodic screening for diabetes, heart and vision. As long as life would conceived Istalista Mrs. body products made by HR Marketing. Thanks to God S.W.T

I Lim Ah Seng, aged 35 years suffering from skin disease (throughout the body) since childhood, I have tried various treatments and had a lot of money issued to eliminate the disease but until now I still have not recovered. Every night my wife had to rub lotion all over the body. I had to go to the clinic once a week to take an injection to reduce pain. One day I read the article in the newspaper about Suriman then I have tried goat's milk products Higoat. After a week I tried goat's milk products HIGOATS by drink and disease sweeping the whole body is getting better. Thank you for goat milk products Higoat!!

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