
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Homsweet Pure Crystalline Fructose

Crystalline Fructose is sugar made from corn that has a low glycemic index and therefore does not cause a dramatic rise in blood sugar that table sugar (sucrose) does. Crystalline fructose is absorbed slowly in the body and causes a lower rise in blood sugar. Other sugars such as refined, organic or cane syrup can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar causing "insulin spikes" in people with diabetes. Using fructose also helps you decrease calorie intake, since it is twice as sweet as table sugar, but has the same caloric density. Homsweet Pure Crystalline Fructose is an all-natural fortified sweetener ideal for daily consumption and can be used in baking and cooking. It offers premium natural sweetness to enhance your drinks, food and cooking for a healthier lifestyle.

Homsweet Crystalline Fructose with Fructo-Oligosaccharide.
 Fructose does little to spike your blood sugar levels, rather, it is processed by the liver and stored as glycogen there until you run very, very low on blood and muscle glycogen stores. When this happens, the liver begins trickling its stored glucose into the bloodstream to keep blood sugar levels stable. Homsweet Crystalline Fructose With Fructo-oligosaccharide is added with Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), which are natural components of plants and which plays an important role in the human digestive tract health. When oligosaccharides are consumed, the undigested portion serves as food for "friendly" bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species. Clinical studies have shown that FOS, also known as prebiotics, can help increase the number of these friendly bacteria in the colon while simultaneously reducing the population of harmful bacteria. The human body also depends on beneficial bacteria to manufacture B vitamins as well as produce lactase and other anti-bacterial substances.

Healthy Food – Avocado Benefits.

Healthy Food.

Avocado Benefits.
Intake of healthy foods is important for the body. Eating fresh fruit is very necessary in order to maintain body balance. For example, avocado fruit is one of the rich benefits of fruit. Fruits that contain this healthy fat can help maintain eye health, fight cancer, and increasing the absorption of nutrients. How Avocado improve health? Here's the description for you. 

Improve eye health.
Try to protect eye health by eating a few pieces of avocado at lunch or dinner. Avocados are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants found in the retina. Both these antioxidants functionate maintain eye health and prevent aging-related eye disorders, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Prevent cancer.
A study found, Avocado extract can kill or stop the growth of precancerous cells that trigger mouth cancer. These extracts are also believed to have the same effect on other cancer types. These benefits, according to the researchers, is caused by the content of folate, vitamin C and E in the avocado.

Be strong absorption of nutrients.
A study from The Ohio State University, was quoted as health.com site, found that people can absorb the lycopene (from tomatoes), 4.5 times more when added avocado. Good fats from avocados, according to researchers, helping to absorb more nutrients.

Source of healthy fat.

Try replacing fatty cream with avocado flesh. One ounce of avocado contains four grams of saturated fat is not singular. These good fats lower cholesterol levels and function better for the heart. Apart from good fats, an ounce of avocado contains two grams of fiber and one gram of protein. The content of this makes perfect avocado as a substitute for other sources of fat are not healthy.     


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